domingo, 30 de octubre de 2005

Nevada Day

Nevada Day

Nevada, Estados Unidos

36 estado de la unión, reconocido oficialmente el 31 de octubre de 1864. Conocido como The Silver State, por sus minas de plata. Limitado por enormes sistemas montañosos como Sierra Nevada, el estado se esparce en varios inmensos desiertos, desde el Great Basin al norte hasta el Mojave en el sur. Tierra de mineros, algunos vaqueros, pastores vascos, extraterrestres, pruebas nucleares y oscuros secretos militares (área 51). Está ampliamente regulado y permitido el juego y la prostitución. Las Vegas con sus casinos temáticos es su ciudad mayor y más famosa.

Himno oficial:

Home Means Nevada
Written & Music by Bertha Raffetto

'Way out in the land of the setting sun,
Where the wind blows wild and free,
There's a lovely spot, just the only one
That means home sweet home to me.
If you follow the old Kit Carson trail,
Until desert meets the hills,
Oh you certainly will agree with me,
It's the place of a thousand thrills.

Home, means Nevada,
Home, means the hills,
Home, means the sage and the pine.
Out by the Truckee's silvery rills,
Out where the sun always shines,
There is the land that I love the best,
Fairer than all I can see.
Right in the heart of the golden west
Home, means Nevada to me.

Whenever the sun at the close of day,
Colors all the western sky,
Oh my heart returns to the desert grey
And the mountains tow'ring high.
Where the moon beams play in shadowed glen,
With the spotted fawn and doe,
All the live long night until morning light,
Is the loveliest place I know.

Home, means Nevada,
Home, means the hills,
Home, means the sage and the pines.
Out by the Truckee's silvery rills,
Out where the sun always shines,
There is the land that I love the best,
Fairer than all I can see.
Right in the heart of the golden west
Home, means Nevada to me.

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